Pharmacists’ Role in Expanding Healthcare Equity

Awareness of the barriers to implementation of much-needed services can help
guide the appropriate steps for creating or increasing care resources to address
health disparities.

Pharmacists’ Duties for Patient Care: A Primer

Irrespective of the liability theory applied in a particular case, the duty is always the same: Protect the patient.

Medication Use During Pregnancy

The CDC estimates that 90% of U.S. women take some type of medication during pregnancy, with seven in 10 using at least one prescription medication.

Group A Streptococcus Treatment and Management

The chief objectives are to reduce the patient’s symptom duration and severity, prevent both acute and delayed complications, and forestall an overspill of the infection to others.

Recent Drug Approvals for Rare Pediatric Diseases

As new medications with complex mechanisms of action become available for
orphan diseases, pharmacists are needed to provide patient and provider education and to ensure safety.

Treating Pediatric and Adolescent Impetigo

Prompt identification and management of this highly contagious infection are key to enabling quick recovery, preventing complications, and limiting its spread.


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