COPD Prevalence, Risks, and Mortality

In the United States, the estimated cost of overall medical care for patients aged ≥45 years with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is $24 billion annually. 

Managing Hospitalized Pediatric Patients With Influenza

Challenges include vaccine mismatches resulting from the virus’ rapid evolution and resistance to antiviral drugs, and prevention is complicated by vaccine hesitancy and other factors.

Role of the Pharmacist in Ankylosing Spondylitis

Collaboration is crucial for optimizing care and addressing medication-access issues for patients with this chronic inflammatory disease of the spine.

Combating Barriers to Biosimilar Use

Pharmacists can provide education about these medications to patients, physicians, and other pharmacists, and they can improve patient care by navigating various obstacles that can hinder access.

Recent Drug Approvals for Rare Pediatric Diseases

As new medications with complex mechanisms of action become available for
orphan diseases, pharmacists are needed to provide patient and provider education and to ensure safety.


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