U.S. Pharmacist Weekly News
June 24, 2020

UK Study: Dexamethasone Shows Promise as
COVID-19 Treatment

Results of a UK study on dexamethasone in ventilated COVID-19 patients raised hopes of a successful treatment for severe novel coronavirus infection. Find out how use of the corticosteroid affected the death rate in those patients compared to others receiving oxygen only or not requiring respiratory support. 


Disparities Identified for Which Patients Get
Newer Type 2 Diabetes Drugs

As pharmacists well know, not everyone who needs them gets prescriptions for the newer type 2 diabetes drugs. Two presentations at the recent scientific sessions of the American Diabetes Association discussed how type of health insurance, racial/ethnic group. and income levels all affect availability. Here is more information. 

Most Users of Online COVID-19 Assessment Tool Didn’t Need Urgent Care

When dealing with questions about possible COVID-19 symptoms, pharmacists may wonder about the value of referring people to online assessment tools. Find out what a new study has to say about advantages of the tools and what percentage of patients using the tool actually had a need for urgent medical care. 


Can a Type of Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy Affect
Brain Changes?

Specific types of hormone therapy are linked to certain age-related structural brain changes in postmenopausal women, according to a new study. Find out why researchers think that might be the case with women using transdermal estradiol and oral conjugated equine estrogens. 

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