

October 19, 2016
  • Studies Look at Why Pediatric Flu Vaccination
    Rates Remain Too Low

    While pharmacists might be fully prepared to take on arguments about flu-vaccine side effects, that alone might not increase uptake among children and teenagers. What are other common reasons that parents fail to arrange for a flu shot for their youngsters?

  • Longer-Term Tamoxifen Therapy Reduces Risk of Contralateral Breast Cancer

    Because of expense and other reasons, women using tamoxifen sometimes fail to complete their prescribed course of treatment. A new study demonstrating significant reductions in risk of contralateral breast cancer gives pharmacists more ammunition to help persuade them to soldier on. Here are the details.

  • Vitamin E Dramatically Dropped Pneumonia Risk in Male Former Smokers
    More research is necessary, since study participants were men born in the 1920s and 1930s who lived through World War II, but a promising new review suggests that vitamin E supplementation could help prevent pneumonia in elderly former smokers. Here is additional information.
  • Prescription Opioid Use Disorders Burgeon Among Americans 18 to 34

    Pharmacists have reason to worry that the opioid prescriptions they constantly are asked to dispense might lead to unintended consequences, especially when misused. That is especially the case among young adults in the United States, according to a new study. Find out the link between growing heroin use and nonmedical use of prescription opioids earlier in life.


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