September 2, 2020

Here Are Blood Pressure Medications That Lower Depression Risk

For years, clinicians have discussed whether medications played a role in the high rates of depression in patients with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Find out why a new study says that isn’t the case with antihypertensives, and actually lists blood pressure medications that appear to lower the risk of depression. 


Metabolic Syndrome Significantly Increases COVID-19
Mortality Risk

A new study underscores why it is so important for metabolic syndrome patients to control their conditions. Researchers found that the condition more than tripled the risk of dying from COVID-19 in a cohort of mostly African American patients in New Orleans. Here is more information

Post Office Controversy Puts a Spotlight on Mail-Order Prescription Issues

Pharmacists working in brick-and-mortar establishments have warned for years that depending too much on mail-order prescription drugs might be risky. The new controversy over changes in the U.S. Postal Service only heightens those concerns. Here is more information on how many Americans depend on the mail for their medications and the problems they face. 


Eye Symptoms Seen in About One-Fourth of Chinese Children in COVID Study

In normal times, conjunctivitis is common and easily recognizable in children. But these aren’t normal times. Find out why eye symptoms in pediatric patients might be anything but routine and may indicate that they have been infected with COVID-19, based on a Chinese study. 

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