Achieving Healthy People 2030 Goals for Adolescents

Pharmacists can play a major role in fostering public health by improving the lives
of their young patients, including addressing gaps in care as determined by this federal initiative.

Breast Cancer Screening and Treatment Update

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently updated its recommendations regarding breast cancer screening in average-risk women. 

COPD Prevalence, Risks, and Mortality

In the United States, the estimated cost of overall medical care for patients aged ≥45 years with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is $24 billion annually. 

Overview of the Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD Exacerbations

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may develop acute exacerbation, a complication that is characterized by increased symptom severity.

Pharmacists’ Duties for Patient Care: A Primer

Irrespective of the liability theory applied in a particular case, the duty is always the same: Protect the patient.

Medication Errors and Liability Issues

Whether at the community pharmacy or in the hospital, it is essential to be aware of safety measures that could make a major difference in the care rendered to the patient.

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