While pharmacists encounter patients who are dealing with mental issues such as anxiety and depression, it is essential to recognize that due to professional responsibilities and personal factors, healthcare providers, including pharmacists, also experience levels of burnout and stress. These stressors can also impact their overall well-being and mental health, as well as their day-to-day productivity.

As the number of individuals with mental health issues continues to grow, increasing awareness about addressing mental health issues and overcoming the stigmas that often contribute to many individuals not seeking help is of paramount importance.

Various education and public awareness initiatives have aimed to expand awareness about the multiple resources available for individuals dealing with mental health issues. Pharmacists can be instrumental in identifying patients who are displaying signs and symptoms associated with the clinical presentation of various mental health issues and encourage them to seek further medical evaluation and assistance. Pharmacists can also make clinical, patient-centered recommendations to improve adherence and clinical outcomes and direct patients to various patient education and support resources.

The National Alliance on Mental Health indicates that mental health issues affect individuals from all walks of life and across all age groups, with statistics reporting that one in five adults in the United States experience mental illness annually, and the incidence continues to expand each year. The Mental Health America organizational website also indicates that the pandemic had a significant impact on mental health, contributing to augmented rates of burnout, stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other mental health concerns. These impacts also touch healthcare providers, including pharmacists, particularly due to the high workloads, long shifts, and staff shortages.

Concerning mental health and well-being, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) wrote, “The recent uptick in resignations among pharmacy staff at all levels and a drop in the enrollment at pharmacy programs and colleges is the beginning of an alarming trend of a shortage of qualified pharmacy personnel at pharmacies that promises to continue. Coupled with a growing list of responsibilities and increased demand and it is no wonder that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are burning out.”

The NABP has multiple resources to assist in addressing the mental health and well-being of pharmacists and pharmacy staff and notes that it is a collaborative effort of the pharmacy community.

In addition to their roles in caring for patients with mental health issues, pharmacists must prioritize their own mental health by implementing self-care strategies, relaxation techniques, and antistress techniques. Maintaining a well-balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep are crucial. To provide safe and effective patient care, pharmacists must also remember the importance of caring for themselves and supporting their colleagues.

Valuable resources are available that can assess and promote mental health and overall well-being for pharmacists:

• The American Pharmacists Association and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy provide valuable resources about self-care, workplace well-being, stress, and burnout.  

Well-being Index for Pharmacy Personnel

The content contained in this article is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. Reliance on any information provided in this article is solely at your own risk.