Achieving Healthy People 2030 Goals for Adolescents

Pharmacists can play a major role in fostering public health by improving the lives
of their young patients, including addressing gaps in care as determined by this federal initiative.

Combating Barriers to Biosimilar Use

Pharmacists can provide education about these medications to patients, physicians, and other pharmacists, and they can improve patient care by navigating various obstacles that can hinder access.

Updated Guidance for Parenteral Nutrition in Preterm Infants

Although in recent years parenteral nutrition formulations have seen advances that improve safety, uncertainty remains regarding optimization.

Group A Streptococcus Treatment and Management

The chief objectives are to reduce the patient’s symptom duration and severity, prevent both acute and delayed complications, and forestall an overspill of the infection to others.

Dietary Supplements for Enhancing Heart Health

As patients become more motivated to take charge of their health, the use of dietary supplements to help treat hypertension and dyslipidemia is increasing.

Pharmacists’ Duties for Patient Care: A Primer

Irrespective of the liability theory applied in a particular case, the duty is always the same: Protect the patient.

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