Electronic Cigarette and Social Media Use in Adolescents

Accumulating evidence suggests that e-cigarette use among U.S. youth is linked to social media use.

Overview of In Vitro Fertilization

Medications for assisted reproduction require frequent monitoring and adjustments, underscoring the importance of understanding potential side effects and risks.

Treating Pediatric and Adolescent Impetigo

Prompt identification and management of this highly contagious infection are key to enabling quick recovery, preventing complications, and limiting its spread.

Coal Tar 10% and Salicylic Acid 10% Ointment

This topical preparation may be used to treat skin inflammation, psoriasis, and other skin-related conditions in general patient populations, including children.

Medication Use During Pregnancy

The CDC estimates that 90% of U.S. women take some type of medication during pregnancy, with seven in 10 using at least one prescription medication.

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