The Xylazine Public Health Emergency

This veterinary drug is being increasingly misused in the United States and has been identified as an impurity in illicit drug mixtures, further amplifying the opioid overdose crisis.

Achieving Healthy People 2030 Goals for Adolescents

Pharmacists can play a major role in fostering public health by improving the lives
of their young patients, including addressing gaps in care as determined by this federal initiative.

Overview of the Diagnosis and Treatment of COPD Exacerbations

Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease may develop acute exacerbation, a complication that is characterized by increased symptom severity.

Recent Drug Approvals for Rare Pediatric Diseases

As new medications with complex mechanisms of action become available for
orphan diseases, pharmacists are needed to provide patient and provider education and to ensure safety.

The Pharmacist’s Role in Antimicrobial Stewardship

It is essential to keep abreast of guidelines, resistance patterns, and diagnostic tools as well as to evaluate the literature and make recommendations on agent selection, dosing, and duration.

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